194. English Teaching Method’s Subject in English Department at University

This thesis is study about modalities in Hillary Clinton’s speech. It aims to describe how Hillary Clinton express her attitude and thought through her speech. The theory supporting this thesis is a theory proposed by M.A.K Halliday (1994) and Amrin Saragih (2006). This thesis is qualitative descriptive research by Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014). The findings are showed 333 clauses used modalities from 942 clauses. In this thesis, there are four types of modalities (54.34% probability, 2.4% usuality, 33.92% obligation, 9.3%  inclination). And also, there are three degree values of modalities divided to: (1) 14.71% high-probability, 36.93% median- probability, 2.70% low-probability, (2) 0.30 % high-usuality, 0% median-usuality, 2.10% low-usuality, (3) 8.70% high-obligation, 15.01% median-obligation, 10.21% low-obligation, and (4) 0% high-inclination, 9% median-inclination, 0.30% low- inclination.  The  most  dominant  type  and  value  of  modalities  found  in  Hillary Clinton’s speech is probability (54.34%) with median degree (36.93%).

Keywords: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Modalities, Types of Modalities, Values of Modalities
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194. English Teaching Method’s Subject in English Department at University 194. English Teaching Method’s Subject in English Department at University 194. English Teaching Method’s Subject in English Department at University 194. English Teaching Method’s Subject in English Department at University

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